Transparency Code

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 came in to effect on 1st April 2015, Beaminster Town Council meets the definition of a local authority covered by the requirements of the Code.

The Code requires the publication of information on the Council’s financial management including expenditure, assets, procurement, grants etc.

The information is published at least quarterly, in some instances annually.

Annual Governance & Accountability Returns

Click here to read previous Annual Governance & Accountability Returns

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 22/23

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2022 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF

Asset Register

Click here to read the latest Asset Register PDF


Click here to read the latest Budget 2022/2023 PDF

Budget Report

Click here to read the latest Budget Report PDF


The Town Council has an annual budget set aside to be used for grants to various charities and organisations in and around Beaminster. All grant applications must be submitted in writing, which must include details of the project, how the grant would benefit the residents of Beaminster and a copy of the most recent set of audited accounts, to the Town Clerk.

Applications are considered by the Finance & General Purposes Committee who meet quarterly.

Grants awarded 2021/2022 PDF

Staff Structure

Click here to view the latest Staff Structure PDF

Payments & Receipts (including exp. Over £500)

Click here for the latest Payments & Receipts


Click here to read the latest Procurement Report 

Market House Tolls and Charity

Market House & Tolls is a charity set up to administer the Square, the Town Council being the Trustee and administration is undertaken in the Town Council office.

“…hill-surrounded little town, the Tudor church-tower of red stone.”

Thomas Hardy

Beaminster statue

Annual Governance & Accountability Returns

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 22/23

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2022-23 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 21/22

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2021-22 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 20/21

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2020-21 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 19/20

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2019-20 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF


Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 18/19

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2018-19 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 23/24

Notice Of Conclusion Of Audit AGAR 2023-24 PDF

Annual Governance Statement PDF

Variations Annual Governance Statement PDF

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return PDF